Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Who needs a towel?

Charlie doesn't particularly like getting wet. I've managed to convince him that wading and calm swimming is ok, but he doesn't really like it. The rain can be especially maddening to him. Rain or shine, he still has to go out to check if the squirrels have taken over the world. When he comes in from the rain he immediately tries to find somewhere to dry off. Much to my dismay he often chooses the couch. Today he particularly chose the decorative pillow on the couch. Here you can see he has strategically situated himself around the pillow so that it will soak up all the icky water that is hanging off his belly.


Bonnie said...

Charlie's no fool! He probablythinks that you putthat pillow on the couch for that very purpose.

Liv said...

Damn dogs. Why do they do that to the nicest items in the house? Why don't they pick the crappy pillows. I am not upset about this because it has never happened to me. Jack gets wet, comes in the house, wipes his feet, and heads for the bathroom where he blows himself dry with the hair dryer, a little mousse, and a light finishing spray to bring out the shine.

Bonnie said...

Sus, isn't it about time for another posting?